Extend due date for recurring jobs

Issue #162 open
Matthias Döring created an issue


atm we plan all our issues and tasks with TheScheduler. TheScheduler create us daily Jira-Cards. We want to set up the due date in hours, but this isn't possible now.

So we could manage our daily tasks easier with the Kanban Swimlanes in the future. Due date Dynamic with 1d and next fire time isn't suitable for us. We must solve the issues til end of business day (Service Level Agreements)

Comments (5)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Matthias,

    thank you for choosing our plugin and explaining your use case.

    It sounds reasonable and other users could benefit from this improvement - I've added it to our backlog and we will discuss about it, if something clears out I will let you know.

    Best regards,


  2. Bernhard Gehrke


    ist there any chance to get the due date configurable in minutes and hours in the next release? It would help us so much organizing our teams and tasks.

    Thank you in advance!

  3. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Bernhard,

    Basically, Due Date is date picker not date time picker and there is no way to change the picker - See Changing Due Date to date time picker

    But you can change Due Date input format - that would allow you to save the date with HH:mm.

    Here is instruction how to: Change the Due Date Input Format

    But the problem is with the dynamic Due Dates as the minimal interval there is 1d (as you can see in the attached screenshot):

    Dynamic due dates.png

    (On the top left side: the scheduled issue wizard with setting up fixed due date, below there is a screen of the issue created from this Scheduled Issue. On the right side, there is an example with attempt to create Scheduled issue with due date set to 2h < 1d)

    We will think about improving this and I will let you know if anything changes.



  4. Bernhard Gehrke


    time passed by, so I wanted to show up and ask, if there are currently plans to get the possibility to have dynamic due dates with less than 1d?

    Kind regards, Bernhard

  5. Bernhard Gehrke


    since about three years we are waiting for this feature. I just renewed our licence, so the question about this showed up. Do we have a chance to get this feature?

    A short reply would be very appreciated!

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