How to grant permission to edit other scheduled issues

Issue #166 closed
Susan Hauth created an issue

As the jira administrator, I'm able to edit any scheduled issue in any project. However, my users who have access to scheduled issues only seem to be able to edit their own issues.

How do I grant my users that permission?

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Susan,

    By default all Scheduled Issues are private and the only users who have permissions to edit them are creator and JIRA administrators.

    You can grant permission to edit and fire Scheduled Issues by sharing it with particular users or groups. You can do sharing single issue or using bulk share.

    Links to documentation:

    Best regards,


  2. Susan Hauth reporter

    Thank you so much, I’m sorry I missed that functionality. Maybe it could be renamed to “share access”, might be more intuitive.

    Susan Hauth JIRA Queen Tel. +1 (416) 619-3941

    StatPro Canada Inc. registered Office: 33 Yonge Street, Suite 271, Toronto ON, M5E 1G4. StatPro Canada Inc. is a member of StatPro Group plc.

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