Set due date relative to original planned fire date when an upcoming issue is fired manually

Issue #177 wontfix
Devid Verraes created an issue

Use case: Besides task management, we are using JIRA also for resource capacity planning. But resource management plugins for JIRA requires existing issues with a proper due date and estimate. Therefore we need a way to already create the schedules tasks for the upcoming 3 months with correct due dates. For example, I add a monthly recurring monthly task with a due date dynamically set to 1 week. For resource planning reasons, I want already to create the issues for the coming 3 months. If I press fire 3 times, 3 issues will be created but all with the same due date and I have to manually adapt them.
It would be great if the due date could be set correctly as if they would have been created by the The Scheduler on their planned fire event. The scheduler has to remember that it has already created these issues manually, so no duplicate issues are created.

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Devid,

    I'm very sorry for the very late reply.

    This case is interesting, but it would require additional settings how due date should be treated on each and every scheduled issue. This would make things more complicated thus we do not want to implement this.

    When user is firing scheduled issue - he is already doing manual work, editing issue shouldn't be that time consuming with provided quick link to issue.

    If you would like to see what is coming up next to The Scheduler please check out our Roadmap for The Scheduler for JIRA Server



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