Can not export all project even though im an JIRA Administrator

Issue #185 closed
Gordon Andersen created an issue

On newest version. (Same problem on 4.3.3)

When exporting all project from the system only on project gets exportet. The project exportet is also the only project I can select in the selcetion box, for individual export. We have several project in JIRA Server.

Are we missing some kind of authorization to be able to export all projects?

Comments (3)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Gordon,

    This could be due to lack of service desk permission "Administer Projects".

    Please check if those project are service desk projects and if so check if you have this permission.

    Here are some screenshots to illustrate this case:


    "00_jira-administrators.png" - as you can see I have 2 user "admin" and "lp00" both within "jira-administrators" groups


    "01_admin_manage_export.png" - you can see on the left hand side there are 5 different projects with 3 selected with green border - those are the projects that 'admin' have administer project rights -> you can see those project are visible in the export page.


    "02_admin_project_JSD.png" - just a short overview of the project JSD permissions


    "03_lp00_manage_export.png" - overview of the user 'lp00', as you might notice he have 3 projects available for export without JSD but with JSD-LP00 (that’s project name - project key is JSDLP)


    "04_lp00_project_JSDLP" - permission overview


    "05_both_see_project_IT_Service_Desk.png" - as you might notice both user are able to export project IT Service Desk - because they are both in project administrator role - and that role have the administer project permissions


    "06_project_without_admin_lp00.png" - on the other hand - none of the administrators is able to export issues from CS project because there is nothing in Administer Projects permission although there is a user in Administrator role.

    Let us know if this helped.

    Best regards,

    Łukasz Modzelewski

  2. Gordon Andersen reporter

    Hi Łukasz Modzelewski

    Thanks :) Yes, it was a matter of administrators rights on the projects. If I ad myself to the administrators group, for each project, I can export the projects.

    Though, we do not find this very smooth for the jira admins to work with. Fx. when I update the JIRA installation, I would have to go to each project and ad me to the project admins, before I can export the projects as a backup. Not very handy...

    How do i suggest this feature for the project - being able to export all project as an JIRA admin?

    Best regards Gordon

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