As an JIRA administrator i would like to be able to export all Scheduled project

Issue #186 resolved
Gordon Andersen created an issue

Today, you have to be an Project admin to be able to export Scheduled issues for the project. We do not find this very smooth for the jira admins to work with. Fx. when I update the JIRA installation, I would have to go to each project and ad me to the project admins, before I can export the projects as a backup. Not very handy...

An JIRA admin should be able to export all project regardless of projects rights.


Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    You are right, it's a good idea - this would streamline process. I've added this to our backlog and I'll inform you when something changes.

    At this time you could change that project role from single user to "jira-administrators" group.

    (note: this could increase your bill, if agent based pricing is enabled for the instance)

    Best regards,


  2. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Finally this is available - now Jira System Administrators and Jira Administrators can export/import Scheduled Issues from all projects.

    Please upgrade to version 5.0.10.



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