Fire once (and forget)

Issue #187 resolved
Jens Lyn Haahr created an issue

As a user I want to be able to create a Scheduled Issue that fires only once and then disables itself. This will enable me to create scheduled issues faster and lets me search for the scheduled issues that are no longer relevant. (because they have been disabled).

Today the fire-once can be done in a couple of ways (setting a specific date and year using a cron expression or using the to-from-dates) but they both seem unnecessarily clunky and the Scheduled Issue will only expire if the end-date has been set. So setting a cron-expression like 0 5 13 5 4 ? 2017 (which will only fire once) leaves the Scheduled Issue active after firing, UNLESS end-date is also specified.

Solution proposal: Introduce a tick-mark for 'fire only once and then disable the schedule' and let it be combined with a date-time-picker.

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Thank you for great proposal with explanation that make sense, and example solution for the proposal.

    I've added this to our backlog :)

    Kind regards,


  2. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Jens,

    We have added this feature in The Scheduler 5.1.0 - as a new trigger type - Run Once :)



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