Unable to create subtasks

Issue #189 closed
James Godbold created an issue

I want to create a subtask for a scheduled Story. I can't find the option to view the 'Scheduled Issue details page' In the documentation it states that the name of the scheduled issue is a hyperlink to this page but mine are not.

  • Jira Cloud
  • Sub Tasks are turned on
  • Tried with different projects
  • I am a Jira Admin
  • I created the scheduled task

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    This feature is not yet available on the cloud version of The Scheduler - page you are referring to is from server version documentation.

    Here is link to the documentation for cloud version: https://bitbucket.org/apdc/the-scheduler/wiki/cloud/latest/Home

    (proper documentation is also linked from marketplace listing of each version)

    Stay tuned by watching our Add-on or by reading release notes.

    Best regards,

    Łukasz Modzelewski

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