Version 5.0 no longer appears in Add-On section

Issue #191 closed
RichardW created an issue

This weekend we updated JIRA from 6.4.12 to JIRA 7.3.4. As part of this we migrated from MySQL to Oracle 12c. On the new JIRA system, we had Scheduler v. 4.3.5 installed. When the system came up, all looked fine and we could see the scheduler and its items in the Add-ons section of a project. After we upgraded to 5.0.0-RELEASE, the scheduler disappears from the add-ons section. So I back-rev'd to 4.3.5 and it works. Is there an issue with 5.0.0-RELEASE with 7.3.4?

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    In version 5.0.0 The Scheduler changed its place and have its own link. It is no longer in grouped Add-ons section.

    The Scheduler 5.0.0.png

    Please see attached screenschot and let us know if you were able to find it.

    Best regards,


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