Scheduler Assign User Broke After Jira Upgrade

Issue #193 closed
Jeffrey Lavoie created an issue

We upgraded to Jira 7.2.8 and are using TheScheduler 5.0.1

Any scheduled task using an assigned user will not work. I have tested with multiple users (including myself which is a valid user) an am receiving this. Leaving the task unassigned or default does seem to work.

Comments (5)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jeffrey,

    Thank you for contacting us, we are currently working on fixing this issue. This invalid issue is related to changed username of assignee - fixed version will be available soon. Please stay tuned for update.

    Best regards, Łukasz

  2. ESco Operations

    I have the same issue with JIRA 7.3.6 and The Scheduler 5.0.1.

    As Lukasz mentioned, it does only appear to affect issues assigned to users which have had their usernames changed but unfortunately sometime ago we migrated our users from the JIRA internal directory to an LDAP directory which did result in a lot of username changes.

    Are there any workarounds yet or is there news on when we are likely to see a fix released? I have over 200 invalid issues!

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