Some created issues are unable to change their status

Issue #195 resolved
Radosław Cichocki created an issue


I saw this issue first a long while after upgrading from JIRA 6.3 to JIRA Service Desk 3.1.6 (JIRA 7.1.6). The problem occurs about once every two months. Some created issues do not have the transition buttons and hence can't change their statuses. There are no conditions on the workflow that could hide these buttons. When I tried switching the status with a groovy script using ScriptRunner, the script failed to do it.

The affected issues are created using the Scheduler plugin I have not noticed this problem with other issues. It's only with the issues of type "Scheduled" that are created with this one plugin.

I cannot reproduce this at all, it happens intermittently. I have 1 issue in production right now that I left for the purpose of analyzing, but I do not know where to begin. When I clone this issue, the clone can change its status.

I would like to investigate it and get to know the root cause and solve it since it's frustrating and clearly it should not behave this way.

I logged this support request at Atlassian at first, but they told me I should contact you instead because the problem only occurs with the issues created with your plugin.

Please let me know how I can find the cause and solve it once and for good.

Regards, Radek Cichocki

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Radek,

    First please update to latest version 5.0.2 - maybe upgrade will show you tips for invalid issue, or some warnings (like those linked in attached screenshot).Manage_Scheduled_Issues.png

    Maybe there is a way to narrow down the area of the problem:

    • please confirm that nobody can see transitions buttons.

    • what is your database type?

    • does the user who created the scheduled issue have the permission to change status of the issue?

    • is it the same project (maybe only Service Desk projects are affected), same issue type, same creator or reporter of the scheduled issue?

    • does this lack of transition buttons occure randomly on same scheduled issue (1st - ok, 2nd - ok, 3rd - bad, 4th - ok )?

    • does it happen when issue is created on schedule or when it is executed manualy ?

    You say that "cloned issue have the transition button" - please try to clone this issue switching to the "user 0" who created scheduled issue (maybe this issue cloned by "user 0" won't have those buttons)

    Following on cloning ... try to clone the "template" of this affected issue as power user (using the user whose cloned issue have transition buttons).

    If its is not the case of different permissions of the creator: try again switching status with ScriptRunner, and send us informations about errors, maybe this will give us some hints.

    After trying all of this operations please send us "atlassian-jira.log" file at

    Here is link to the documentation how to find log:

    Best regards,

    Łukasz Modzelewski

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