Set Due Date using Working Days

Issue #197 on hold
Jonathan Chatwin created an issue

For example: I would like to set the due date 1 month ahead of the creation date, except I would like it to fall within Monday to Friday (week day, working day)? How would I do this? Could there be an option for Cron expression in due date field? I think this would work.

Comments (3)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Jonathan, Thank you for contacting us.

    What about adding trigger that would be creating tickets on the first Monday instead of the 1st day of the month? ( eg. "0 0 12 ? 3/3 2#1", link to cronmaker that could be useful: ) Then you could add dynamic due date in number of days (instead of 1m) something from period 28d - 32d this would give you 4-5 weeks to compleate the task (keep in mind that non working days are: 33d = saturday, 34d = sunday). You could set it to be 30 days that would set due date to wednesday. That could solve your issue.

    It is still to early to tell but ....

    We have the idea of adding calendars to The Scheduler - it would allow you to set up your working days and make some rules when scheduled issues schould be created. With Due Date option set as Next Execution Time - you could link it with creation of the ticket only on working days. With avaliable calendars there could be also possibility to make Due Dates with interwals set within working days - e.g. 6 working days (non working: saturday, sunday): creating issue today 12.05 would give due date set to 22.05 (instead of 18.05).

    I'll put in hold for now and reopen when we start developing calendards.

    Or if you think the solution provided is good enought please close the ticket :)

    Best regards,


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