Scheduled Isseu Creation fails

Issue #2 invalid
Former user created an issue

Im using Jira 5.2.4 and TheScheduler Version 2.6.4.

When creating a scheduled issue, everything goes fine until the final "Create". The List of Scheduled Issues looks as attached.

The issue is red, indicating something's wrong. "Fire" and "Enable" are deactivated. Reporter and Assignee were both set correctly in the preceeding steps, but do not show up.

The log files just show entries in the acceess.logs, plus a single entry in the catalina.out:

doSetIssueDetailsSubmit() !!!

Comments (4)

  1. Ɓukasz Kreczmer


    Can you ensure that users specified as reporter and assignee still exists in Jira and also if they are selected as active users. You should also check if such users have appropriate permissions in project for which the scheduled issue is created.

    In your description of the problem you have stated that everyfing was going fine until the final step which is "Create" (clicking on "Create" button). May I assume that Create shceduled issue wizard was completed without any exception (errors) and the only thing you have noticed is that this just created scheduled issue is highlighted and some of the actions are disabled (grayed)?

    Could you tell me step by step what was done and on which step you have observed some problems?

    You can continue on this issue or write to me at: I am responsible for you request and I will do my best to help you.

    Thank you for your help,

    Kind Regards,

    Lucas Kreczmer

  2. Marek Cendrowicz

    Without reproducible use case we cannot analyze the problem.

    The issue is quite old and we released several post versions already.

    There are no duplicates for such malfunction so far.

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