Allow cloning of issues on a schedule

Issue #20 closed
Oleg Gerovich created an issue

TheScheduler 3.0.8 has a new feature to clone a scheduled issue. This is a bit misleading. The actual functionality is more like copying the definition of a schedule. I propose a new notion of cloning to match existing JIRA terminology.

  1. Rename current "Clone" action for a define scheduled issue to "Copy".
  2. When defining a new scheduled issue, provide an option to the user to specify an existing issue (i.e. ABC-123) to CLONE data from instead of entering manually. There should be options to match what JIRA provides when cloning an issue ( These are Clone Subtasks, Clone Links and Clone Attachments. Issue Summary should also be editable (so the user may remove the CLONE prefix if they wish). Here is how envision this:
  • User clicks on Issues -> Create scheduled issue
  • User enters the basic info and clicks Next
  • A new screen is now there with radio selectors:

    • Define a new issue
    • Clone from existing issue: [Empty box to enter ABC-123]
  • If the last option is selected and user presses Next, check that the specified issue exists (and handle it if it does not with some error screen) and fill in the info from that issue while presenting checkboxes for the options for CLONE JIRA action.

This enhancement will greatly improve usability of the plugin.

Comments (12)

  1. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Oleg,

    first of all - thanks for your feedback. It is always very valuable for us.

    The clone feature has been invented to fulfill multiple requests for such functionality. The feature is invented to allow cloning / making an exact copy of Scheduled Issue and not out-of-the-box Issues. This is why we have chosen such action name. We hope that when user executes the Clone action from the Scheduled Issues table view he does not expect the out-of-the-box clone behavior. We are totally aware that there are so many opinions as many customers are using our plugin. We will discuss this small change request and give you a sign if so.

    The second enhancement request is very valuable too. I am aware how this could improve user experience. I will report it in our internal system.

    Best regards,

    Marek Cendrowicz

  2. Oleg Gerovich reporter

    Hi Marek,

    Thanks for the quick follow-up.

    Request 1 is not critical, so I'll defer to your team to make the best choice. My point was that "Copy" seemed more common.

    Request 2 is a big one for us. I hope your team can implement it soon. I have colleagues asking for this feature.

    There is another thing to consider for Request 2. We might be buying Clone Plus Plugin soon. If you look at one of the screenshots in the Media sections, it shows the checkboxes you can choose to clone. I presume this list replaces the list provided by the default clone behavior in JIRA. It would be very nice if TheScheduler displayed the same list as the current clone behavior or provided an option to choose default or Clone Plus lists. I don't know how the plugin works exactly, but perhaps your team could play with it and deliver this bonus functionality.


  3. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Oleg,

    currently I can suggest you to use the action presented in the picture below.


    Creation of Scheduled Issue via that action recognizes the underlying out-of-the-box issue and transfers automatically all its fields to a new Scheduled Issue.

    I hope that fulfills your second point a bit.

    Best regards,

    Marek Cendrowicz

  4. Oleg Gerovich reporter

    Hi Marek,

    I can't see the screenshot in your last comment. Is there some permission issue? Or is the screenshot now missing?

  5. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Oleg,

    the screenshot just disappeared. Maybe it's Atlassian politic, don't know exactly. Anyway here you go: schedule_issue_basing_on_ootb_issue.PNG

    Best regards,


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