Attempting to schedule a recurring that happens every other Thursday (every 2 weeks)

Issue #207 closed
Chris Roberts created an issue

I do not see a way to to this in the basic settings available within the tool.

I am not an expert with Cron Expressions, but I am not finding a way to create some that happens on the same day of the week every 2 weeks.

Is there a way to schedule a recurring task with these characteristics?

Please advise.

Thanks Chris Roberts

Comments (4)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Chris,

    Unfortunately at this point - no, you cannot create a bi weekly Scheduled Issue.

    We are aware that there is great need for simple triggers like every 14 days, every 10 days etc. We have this task in our backlog.

    If you want to know more about similar issues here are some explanations:

    best regards,


  2. Chris Roberts reporter


    Just sharing a reference point that you may or may not be aware of here. We just migrated from a Cloud instance of JIRA where we were using the 'Recurring Task Cloud' plugin over to a Server instance where we were now using the The Scheduler functionality. 'Recurring Task Cloud' was able to handle this type of scheduling request without issues. Hopefully the Scheduler team can find a way around the JIRA/Quartz limitations soon as well to address this common use case.

    Thanks Chris Roberts

  3. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Since v1.4.0 (2017-06-27) The Scheduler for Cloud supports bi weekly triggers and simple intervals The Scheduler for Cloud 2 weeks interval.png

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