Ability to show reporter/assignee colums in the scheduler list

Issue #216 open
Alejandro Iglesias created an issue

HI !

I want to have the ability to show reporter / assignee in the schedule list bc currently i have more than 30 schedules created and i want to differentiate quickly

Comments (1)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Alejandro,

    I'm very sorry for late reply.

    Sure thing, ability to pick some other columns, is something we are hoping to implement. Next to Cloud version we have a Server version of The Scheduler which supports more fields in columns list and we are trying to bring those version close together in the UI and available features.

    Our greatest challenge at this moment is to include sub-tasks in creation of the Scheduled Issue. When we finish that we will move to other improvements.



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