Can't schedule issues with subtasks

Issue #232 resolved
Borja Rodríguez Diliz created an issue

Hi, I'm using Jira Cloud with The Scheduler add-on. When I schedule an issue which includes subtasks the subtasks aren't cloned when it gets executed

In the other hand, the look and feel of on my instance isn't quite like the screen captures I can see in your support site. Amongst other aspects: in my case I cannot click on the scheduled issue name "to edit its details". See the capture attached. Best regards

Comments (3)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Borja,

    Unfortunately The Scheduler for JIRA Cloud does not support scheduling issue with sub-task... yet.

    We have this feature in Scheduler 5.x fo JIRA Server, and our developers team is working very hard to bring this feature to Cloud - this task it is in progress.

    Sorry for the inconvenience with documentation. For more informations please refer to section "The Scheduler for JIRA Cloud":



  2. Borja Rodríguez Diliz reporter

    Thanks for your reply, Łukasz. When do you plan to have it ready for Jira Cloud? In my opinion, it's a critical feature when automating business processes which requiere tasks a bit more complex than "send monthly spreadsheet by email" Best regards.

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