Upgrade to version 5.0.6

Issue #260 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi all,

we recently upgraded to version 5.0.6 and have noticed that this has caused a lot of duplicate issue in each project.

We have went through most projects and cleared the duplicate. However on project is struggling to load the Scheduled Issues screen due to the volume that it is trying to load.

As we have a staging enviroement we can revert to a back up, but we need to delete all the current scheduled issues in production before appluting the backup xml .

Can you help us understand a way to clear down the scheduled task without the help of the UI.

We are using an oracle DB and unix server if that helps.

Thanks Shaun

Comments (3)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Shaun,

    Thank you for reporting this.

    We would like to reproduce the problem to fix it. Please tell us from which version have you upgraded to 5.0.6? Also specify what your Jira version is (and if it's a Data Center).

    Please send us your atlassian-jira.log file at support.atlassian@tt.com.pl as there might be a clue why the upgrade created duplicated scheduled issues. It will help to check why scheduled issues are not loading for that particular project.

    Best regards,

    Łukasz Modzelewski

  2. Łukasz Modzelewski

    We have not received any files nor any additional information.

    Please reopen or create new ticket.



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