Create Issue greyed out when using Scheduler Issue with in Infrastructure project

Issue #267 resolved
Pushap Singh created an issue

Hi Team

I have attached a screenshot of an error. Permissions look ok to me , can you please investigate.

Its happening with the service desk project with in Jira.

Regards Pushap

Comments (9)

  1. Dominik M.
    • changed status to open

    Dear Pushap,

    I'd like you to provide me with a screenshot of permissions in the project, so we can verify if the displayed message is a correct one.

    Regards, Dominik

  2. Pushap Singh Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Dominik

    I have attached the screenshot of the permissions in the project along with my roles screenshot.

    Please investigate and let me know if you require any further information.

    Many Thanks Pushap

  3. Dominik M.

    Dear Pushap,

    The issue was investigated and it seems that the reported problem is caused by a fact that there's a lack of proper role assigned for the Scheduler itself. To fix the issue, it must be added to a "Administer Projects".

    As an example (see below) - under Administer Projects there should be added a role, which contains user of the add-on.

    example of a project role.png

    Important thing here is to not confuse between a user using the add-on, from the user created by the add-on itself.

    Many thanks, Dominik

  4. Pushap Singh Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Dominik

    I am still having issues , after adding Project role (atlassian- add-ons- project acess) it started to work but again having the same issue.


    Regards Pushap

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