Getting error: Field 'duedate' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.

Issue #273 closed
Jay Amin created an issue

I am trying to create an issue using an add-on - The Scheduler. That add-on has two scheduled issues that are broken. When trying to fix them it gives following error:

Field 'duedate' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.

The project name is "DBA-BugTracking".

Other scheduled issues appear to be working fine. I could not locate any permission or field configuration that could be causing this error. Do you see anything additional behind the scene that may help me troubleshoot this further?

I am attaching a video recording of the steps I performed to reproduced this issue.

I have contacted Atlassian support and they said they do not see any errors in Jira logs and think that it is add-on related issue.

Comments (8)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jay,

    Thank you for reporting this and attaching the video. I've send it to our developers team - but it looks very strange.

    Do you have "Due date" field on create issue screen?

    Could you please check if you can clone this Invalid Issue - and if it fails please send us screenshot with console view open - so that we could see red error (if there are any)

    Please send it at:



    PS. I removed your attachment as this is public issue tracker.

  2. Jay Amin reporter
    1. Originally, I did not have "Due date" field on create issue screen. But because of this error, I have added it to that screen. But the error occurrs regardless of "Due date" field is on the create issue screen.

    2. I tried to clone the broken scheduled issue and I still get the same error. I will email you the screen shot.


  3. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Version 2.0.2 is officially released.

    Please let us know if it is working correctly now.



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