Performance warning "some trigger intervals can lead to JIRA performance issues"

Issue #285 closed
Katya Godneva created an issue

Hello, Your plugin (The Scheduler) looks great and must be exactly the solution we were looking for. But as I've confugured a sheduled issue, in a test environment - every 30 minutes) I reas

So what are the limitation and why should this warning message appear. Because we are going to implement this in our production evironment where we can't risk any performance error. Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing from you.

Comments (5)

  1. Dominik M.
    • changed status to open

    Dear Ekaterina,

    The attached screenshot with a message "Some interval triggers can lead to JIRA performance issues" occurs when Interval trigger is set in such a manner, which can lead to potential problems with Jira server stability. The add-on has been implemented with an enhanced security mechanism, disabling a possibility for setting interval to act too often in a given time frame (e.g. to to create a new issue minute after minute).

    In your case however, it is just a warning informing you that some of certain triggers' intervals are set to occur pretty often. In a busy environment, with intense usage by multiple people at the same time Jira may slow down or even crash.

    As I can't see how the triggers were set in your environment, I recommend to edit scheduled issue(s) - and perform amendments in regards to Interval activity frequency.

    As I can see you are using JIRA 7.6.1, there should be no concern if using it with the newest The Scheduler add-on (version 5.1.1). In my opinion 30 minutes Interval's time set, for just a couple of scheduled issues should be not a problem at all.

    If you feel concerned about it you can send me more detailed information about how many scheduled jobs are to occur at a a given time (screenshot with "Set Trigger Details" should be sufficient enough) so I can consult it.

    Many thanks, Dominik Maciejewski

  2. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Екатерина,

    Just wanted to let you know that we have a task in our backlog, to check the performance in production environment.

    Please follow issue #151.



    PS. The genesis of this warning starts back in Jira version 6.x and The Scheduler 3.x, it was our way to inform users that creating hundreds of issues every minute is a bad idea :) The Scheduler creates issues in the same way that regular user would, and performance heavily depends on the server/Jira capability to handle hundreds of issues created every minute.

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