Set Default Access

Issue #287 closed
Jens Kisters created an issue


we have a large number of tasks that only the owner can edit. Now a second user should get acess to the tasks and be able to edit them.

I am aware you can bulk-change the access, but i cant find a way to set the default access rights, can you help me?

kind regards Jens

Comments (9)

  1. Dominik M.

    Dear Jens,

    Full access rights to use The Scheduler add-on can be set, following this manual -

    After setting it, you can grant access to particular issues, by following those steps -

    To do it in bulk, please refer to -

    I hope this clarifies your query. If not, then I look forward to hearing from you with more details (screenshots appreciated).

    Many thanks, Dominik

  2. Jens Kisters reporter

    Hi Dominik,

    The access is configured like this: access_addons.PNG

    But when i create an schedule and manage access there the access is created like this: Access Created Issue.PNG

    How can i make access rights be set automatically on a newly created issue?

    cheers Jens

  3. Dominik M.

    Hi again,

    I've checked and I see that there's a rule - by default, scheduled issues of its creators are not accessible for other people. The only way to change it, is by granting them access to it.

    In your case, if you want to have a template with a scheduled issue with particular users/groups/roles already filled in, I recommend to create a new scheduled issue (or use a one with proper share settings already set, just like presented on your first screesnhot) with it and then instead creating another new scheduled issue, you can simply use "Clone" function. By doing that, yours sharing settings of a scheduled issue will be replicated and you wouldn't need to fill it in manually again.

    Cloning procedure -

    Regards, Dominik

  4. Jens Kisters reporter

    Thanks, we will try this workaround. Can you make a suggestion from this issue?

    Happy New Year Jens

  5. Dominik M.

    Dear Jens,

    I recommend to create a new shceduled issue and name it properly e.g. "Template for future SI with proper sharing rights" - please fill only those fields that are to be static, as the rest is to be done by another person to whom you are to grant an access with. Required fields (i.e. "summary") that in future must be changed, can be named as e.g. "Please change summary".

    Now you have to make as many clones of such template, as required by your side.

    After that, all cloned templates can be granted with the same accesses and editon rights, by following those steps:

    Alternatively you may only create one template with required fields filled and desired access/edition rights granted for other people directly after creating it. Then, you can clone it when needed, or make in advance, multiple clones to be stored for future usage.

    I hope those workarounds can help.

    many thanks, Dominik

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