Scheduler Subtask limits

Issue #288 resolved
Former user created an issue

We are trying to create a schedule manual task with multiple subtasks. It will only allow us to add 5 subtasks is that the limit?

Please advise

Comments (4)

  1. Dominik M.

    Dear User,

    I've checked, using Jira Cloud and it seems that the limit is set for 5 sub-tasks maximum per issue:

    2018-01-05 12_25_30-pou - Jira.png

    When trying to create an issue with e.g. 8 sub-tasks attached to it and then going through schedule issue wizard all goes fine, however when you execute such issue there are no sub-tasks included under it, so there's in fact no workaround.

    We have plans to create a whitelist for customers who require such funcionality, so more sub-tasks can be created. Please inform me whether it is a business critical requirement.

    Many thanks, Dominik

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