Auto-create issues at certain intervals on 'close'

Issue #291 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello, we use Jira Service Desk to keep track of Facilities equipment. This equipment requires Preventative Maintenance tasks. These tasks need to be executed at certain intervals, e.g. quarterly, annually etc. I see that there is an option to schedule the tasks at different intervals with 'The Scheduler' plugin. How do I auto-schedule a ticket on 'close' event? In other words, a ticket should be auto-created quarterly. Let's say, it is scheduled to auto-create on January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1. So the first ticket gets created on January 1. It then takes 7 weeks for the parts to come in and to be installed, so the ticket gets closed on March 6. The ticket should be auto-created June 6 and not on April 1. Is there a way to do this please? Thank You! Dina

Comments (2)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Dina,

    Thank you for contacting with us.

    Currently there is no straight forward option for this.

    But... you can achieve this result using option to increase priority, with option create new issue on resolution. It would not create a new issue unless the previous one have a resolution, and if in the scheduled time issue doesn't have resolution it would increase its priority.

    This is how you can do this:

    1. On the first step check options to "Increase priority" and first option to create issue on resolution: 01 First Step.png

    2. On 2nd step with all issue details pick 2nd highest priority - to make sure it will update only once, and wait for the resolution 02 2nd Highest Priority.png

    3. On the Triggers details page add advanced cron expression: "0 34 12 1 1/3 ? *" (from your example) 03 Advanced Cron Expression.png

    4. In the Scheduled Issue details you can preview the upcoming executions - as you can see 01.04 - it will create first issue, and if it will not be resolved (based on resolve statuses from your workflow) it on the next execution date (01.07) it will increase priority. 04 Upcomin Executions.png

    5. To speed things up I used "Execute" button to create this issue (you can see this on the right hand part of the screen), when you refresh Scheduled Issue details page you would see that now the action for 01.04 changed from "Create issue" to "Increase Priority" 05 next execution.png

    6. Let’s see what happens when I change the Status of that "Open" issue to "Done". After refreshing the Scheduled Issue details page you can see, that now on 01.04 will be created new issue. 06 Resolution on issue.png

    This is the best what you can do at this time.

    Let me know what you think about this solution.



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