Problem with schedule off schedule

Issue #293 closed
Adolfo Casari created an issue

Please see attached screenshots. The schedule is creating an issue at 18:30 hrs. although the rule is to create the last one for the day at 18 hrs.

Comments (6)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Adolfo,

    Thank you for contacting with us.

    The issue is related to the incorrect description generator (we already reported this):

    Probably impressed by the faulty description you switched the hours in the cron to create issues between 9AM to 7PM, please edit trigger and set it to 9AM - 6PM - the upcoming execution table should display correct hours.

    This should solve it.



    PS. Please consider updating to latest version 5.1.1 as it have a lot of new features and a lot more to come (like executions preview at the time of creating the triggers). Version 4.x is no longer developed.

  2. Adolfo Casari reporter

    I am with version 5.1.1

    As for the trigger, how can I specify 9AM - 17:30PM? I need the last issue to be created at 6PM, and the next at 9AM next day.

    In between 9AM and 6PM issues should be created every half hour.

    Thanks in advance,

  3. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Adolfo,

    I've looked into this again and it appears that it can not be done with 1 cron expression, so you need to add second one to create issue at 6PM.

    Here are those cron expressions:

    0 0/30 9-17 ? * *

    0 0 18 1/1 * ? *

    You can copy/paste those as advanced cron expression.

    Here is a screenshot with those triggers, and preview of upcoming executions:

    2 crons upcomming execution.png



    (reference URL: )

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