Bulk change to change the creator of scheduled issues in jira

Issue #299 resolved
Leena Bakshi created an issue

Hi I would like to change the creator of schedule issues as we had an intern and he created 50+ scheduled issues for a project. and now the Project lead wants to edit these scheduled issues and unable to do so.

These scheduled jobs are saying invalid and when she tries to fix it, it throws an error saying "User who created this scheduled issue is no longer active."

Wherein I can change the creator of these issues being sysadmin in jira, however when I select multiple of these scheduled issues, it doesnt give me to change the created by section. and I do not want to change the creator on 50+ scheduled issues manually.

Let me know how can we get it to work?


Comments (12)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Leena, There is no straight forward option do this, but it is possible. I see you have some 5.x version - presented screens were created with latest 5.1.1 version (available at marketplace).

    To bulk change creator you would need to export all of the scheduled issues, make a copy of the xport file, modify the export file to change the creator (and assignee), delete all invalid issues, import scheduled issues.

    Downside is that with import option you would lose the the history of the executions of Scheduled Issues (it will be visible in upcoming version 5.1.2)

    Here is detailed instruction what you can do:

    1. Base preview of the Scheduled Issues table in project: Project Management, by lppl - project lead and project administrator for this particular project 01 table lppl.png

    2. Same table with deactivated user "lp00" 02 user lp00 deactivated.png

    3. Export all Scheduled Issues from this particular project (make sure you also export invalid issues) - this needs to be done by Jira Administrator (admin in my case) 03 export all SI from selected project.png

    4. Bulk deleting all Invalid Scheduled Issues: 04 bulk delete invalid issues.png

    5. Create a copy of Export file, and edit export file by changing the creator: "<createdBy>lp00</createdBy>" to desired user in my case lppl: "<createdBy>lppl</createdBy>" - it needs to be user with access to this project and with access granted through the access manager, this user should have at least permissions same as the deactivated user. 05 manual file editing.png

    6. Import edited file 06 import.png

    7. Import confirmation 07 confirmation.png

    8. Table preview from project lead (lppl) perspective. as you can see now user have access to all of the issues and can edit them manually. 08 table lppl.png (But there are still some invalid issues.)

    9. Inactive user as assignee 09 inactive user as assignee.png

    10. Invalid sub-task (in this case also invalid assignee) 10 subtasks.png

    11. Make a copy of the recently upload .xml file and make new changes, search and replace assignee field (make sure to copy pair of parameter and value, white spaces also counts) 11 assignee fix.png

    12. Changing the sub-task assignee (different indentation - it wasnt found in previous search) 12 assignee subtask.png

    13. Delete invalid issues from the particular project (could be don as 9th step) 13 invalid delete.png

    14. Import newest .xml file with changed assignee field. 14 import assignee fix.png

    15. Import Confirmation 15 confirmation.png

    16. Scheduled Issue table preview from the perspective of Project Lead - lppl. 16 project lead view.png

    As you might notice there are some warnings next to Scheduled Issues, those are informing you that the reporter field is empty and it will be filled with the creator of the issue. 17 reporter field.png

    Let us know if you get any problems following these steps.



  2. Leena Bakshi reporter

    Can I change the owner/creator of those scheduled issues that I only created without exporting them?

  3. Leena Bakshi reporter

    This didnt work! In the xml backup it doesnt even pick the inactive jobs even after selecting no for skipping inactive and invalid jobs. Please find the XMl attached to this comment. Please assist as this is a blocker for one of the projects.

  4. Leena Bakshi reporter


    There is no user under this (hemet.choksi) name and it should have instead said as follows which I am trying to change: <createdBy>lawrence.dwyer</createdBy>

    Lawrence dwyer was an intern and I need to change all his scheduled issues. but since the xml doesnot show the correct name , I cant take risk of changing the unknown.


  5. Łukasz Modzelewski

    It appears you missed 5st step ... where you need to replace inactive user with your own name, save changes, and upload new .xml file.

    I've changed: createdBy, reporter, assignee fields for you in file: "SchedulerExport_2018-01-31 (1) changed_createdBy_reporter_assignee.xml"

    Please let me know when you download it, so that I could delete attachments - bitbucket is public place.

    If you need more help, please contact us at: support.atlassian@tt.com.pl



    PS. After you successfully import your scheduled issues, please update to 5.1.2 - there are lots of new features!

  6. Leena Bakshi reporter

    I have downloaded the file. Thank you.

    However the xml is not right. If I change the created by in the xml then it means I ll be changing the active owner of scheduled issues. I understand the backup is suppose to pull all the issues where it sees any inactive user in any way but if those issues have active owner I dont want to change those active owner

    Please see the following information, I ll try to be as detailed as possible:

    XML picked up issues by an active user named "Hemant Choksi" wheerein it should have picked up issues created by Only the inactive user named "Lawrence Dwyer"

    Once I can see the issues that were created by "Lawrence dwyer"(inactive user) in the XMl backup then I need to change the owner of those invalid scheduled issues to a current user named "Tracee Hamlet".

    I am attaching the latest xml to this ticket where I ll choose the option NO again for "Skip Inactive" and NO for "Skip Invalid"

  7. Leena Bakshi reporter

    Let me know if you would still like me to send email to : support.atlassian@tt.com.pl ? Thanks

  8. Łukasz Modzelewski

    In the file I've changed creator, reporter and assignee, from: hemet.choksi into ==> lawrence.dwyer

    It appears I've mixed it up and inactive user that needs to be changes was lawrence.dwyer, what you can do now is get back to the original file you uploaded and make new changes - change lawrence.dwyer info "Tracee Hamlet" - remember to use userKey of this user.

    Remember to also change the reporter of the issue (if inactive user was set as reporter) and later change the assignee of the Scheduled Issue (if inactive user was assigned in this Scheduled Issue). You would have to follow the same procedure for sub-tasks if inactive user was set a s reporter or assignee. In the UI you could make a bulk change to set reporter and new assignee ... but there is no bulk option to change the creator. The only method is involving export/import operations.

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