Sub-tasks not launching

Issue #321 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have some recurring stories set up with subtasks. When the story was created in Jira the subtasks did not populate. The pop-up error says: This scheduled issue's subtask failed due to: "Field 'customfield_11600' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.". Please edit it and fix the problem.

I have verified that I have filled in the required fields. Can you please help verify what I need to fix so these are created with the parent task?

Comments (5)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open


    Please, attach a screenshot with all the fields from The Scheduler subtask wizard (or send it at )



  2. Mariusz Polka

    Hi Kim,

    The issue you have encountered is quite puzzling and there is one misleading aspect you might have overlooked. According to provided screens it is true that you filled in all required fields. However there is such a possibility that there is one custom field set as required but is not attached to the fields screen associated with the project. As a matter of fact I reproduced similar looking issue in my Jira cloud instance so there is a chance it may help you as well.

    Here are some pictures which may help find root of the problem: fieldConfig.PNG

    Firstly I created custom field 'Some Required Custom Field' and set it as required. During creation you can add it to specific field screens.

    fieldScreen.PNG Then I removed the custom field from field screen.

    manager.PNG In result the custom field is not visible in Scheduler Subtask Manager yet it still remains required which prevents the Manager from creating subtasks correctly.

    Best regards, Mariusz

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