Have a workflow transition call Scheduler as a post function

Issue #332 on hold
Andrew Mohlmann created an issue

It would be great when creating a workflow, that a post function could be triggered that could call the Scheduler.

This would mean that it could be used to create essentially a reminder for a ticket x amount of time later.

Comments (1)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Andrew,

    This could be a nice feature, we have it in our backlog already :)

    Currently we are focusing on finishing Calendars for The Scheduler: https://trello.com/c/XRyXXFci/8-ability-not-to-run-scheduled-issue-on-certain-days-holidays

    Note: version 4.x is no longer developed as we are focusing on 5.x generation - please update the app the see all new features like subtask, SI preview and much much more.

    Check 5.x release notes and see what you are missing: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/37456/the-scheduler/version-history



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