The Scheduler stopped working following Windows updates and server reboot

Issue #35 closed
Joanne Lilley created an issue

Our IT Department applied Windows updates to the Windows Server 2012 server on which The Scheduler and Jira sit. Since then, none of the schedules have fired automatically. I can fire them manually, and I have tried re-creating the schedules, but still not working. I am guessing there's something on the server that needs switching back on, but I don't know what. Hope you can help.

Comments (5)

  1. jost

    Hi Joanne,

    We just updated The Scheduler plugin. New release (3.2.2) contains fix for your bug. Please try to update it and let us know if new release is working well.

    Release notes

       -Fixed an error associated with the MS SQL database.
       -Fixed a compatibility with JIRA Data Center (JIRA clustering is only available from 6.3 onwards)

    Please notice that The Scheduler 3.2 and above is available for JIRA 6.3 – 6.3.15.

    The Scheduler on marketplace:

    Additionally here you can find an official documentation: Regards

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