Improve the Scheduler and nFeed compatibility

Issue #50 closed
ION Information Systems created an issue


We were able to use the Scheduler 2.6.4 plugin with Jira 5.2.11 and nFeed plugin correctly. After the Jira upgrade to 6.3.10 version, and consequently Scheduler to 3.1.3 and nFeed to as well to be compatible with Jira, nFeeds were not populating as expected because the project key was not available in the Scheduler Create screen anymore.

Our nFeed queries use the "$issue.project.key" variable to list different options basing on the project you want to create the issue to. This variable can be reached in the actual Jira Create screen as the Project dropdown is editable. But it is not in the Scheduler create screen, which uses 2 consecutive screens to allow to create the issue. The Project key is not reachable (neither as hidden HTML tag) and the Project name is just a text in the second screen where the nFeeds are located together with the other fields.

Can the second screen be enhanced to contain the project information thus the nFeed plugin is able to reach it and run the queries as expected?

What are the options to have this promptly implemented as this is a critical feature our Support team uses?

Thanks Graziella

Comments (13)

  1. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi, is there any news about this? My manager would like to schedule a call, is it possible?

    Thanks Graziella

  2. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hello, My name is Andrea Pagano, I'm the Information Systems Operations Manager. I'd really appreciate an answer to our query above. We need to understand if we can rely on your plugin for our operations.

    Kind Regards, Andrea Pagano

  3. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hello, a note to acknowledge that it seems there is no interest from your side to leverage the relationship between us.

    Kind Regards, Andrea Pagano

  4. jost

    Sorry for not responding you earlier. We tried to contact nFeed team to resolve this issue however unsuccessfully. So we are not able improve support of that plugin.

    Did you tried to check working both of plugins in the newest version?


    Jacek Ostrowski.

  5. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi Jacek, yes, we have tried but it is not working. I attached a screenshot for reference, as you can see Company (which it is an nFeed) has just 6 basic values instead of the whole list of clients.

    This because the nFeed query looks like the below, as based on the project it has to show different clients:

    {code} SELECT client-name FROM table WHERE ( (('$issue.project.key' LIKE 'IONCS%') AND <conditions to get those basic 6 values>)

    The nFeed works properly in the normal screen as it is able to retrieve $issue.project.key, but it is not working while scheduling the issue.

    Please let me know if you need more details, about our configuration.

    Cheers Graziella

  6. jost

    I have just tried nFeed 5.3.0 with The Scheduler 3.2.4 on JIRA 6.3 and it working well in default configuration.

    Could you specify where variables are taken to the script?

  7. ION Information Systems reporter

    We have nFeed and Scheduler 3.1.3.

    I'm not sure I understand your question.
    $issue.project.key is a global variable that it is possible to use in the nFeed query for a catch field values, see [this|] page for reference.

    That variable it is automatically retrieved by the nFeed plugin when the screen is open. For example if I have Company field in the Create screen of the ABC project, that variable takes ABC automatically and the query when it is executed.


    SELECT client-name FROM table WHERE ('$issue.project.key' LIKE 'ABC%')


    SELECT client-name FROM table WHERE ('ABC' LIKE 'ABC%')

    I hope it helps.

    Cheers Graziella

  8. jost

    We got an answers for our request.

    The nFeed plugin is based on many JIRA specifics. To provide support of nFeed to the Scheduler, we have to embed all the mechanisms JIRA in our plugin.

    Therefore we are not able to adapt our plugin to these requirements.

    Cheers Jacek

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