Can't enable scheduler after update v3.2.3

Issue #54 closed
Damian Egli created an issue

Hi, after upgrading to 3.2.3 the plugin can't be enabled. We run jira version:

JIRA 6.3.15 build: 6346

The stacktrace is attached. I also tried to uninstall the plugin and reintall it again. Same error. Further I tried to download the plugin and do the installation via upload instead of a direct installation via UPM

Regards, Damian

Comments (12)

  1. Bartosz Gilewski

    Hi Damian,

    New version of The Scheduler (3.2.4) is now avalible on Marketplace. Please to try it and let us know if it is working properly now.

    Regards, Bartosz Gilewski

  2. Bartosz Gilewski

    Hi Damian,

    Could you send the whole log file to our mail (

    Regards, Bartosz

  3. jost

    Hi Damian,

    The logfile fragment indicates that you have some problems with database connection. More specifically, JIRA saves configuration of the database in dbconfig.xml file and for some reasons Plugin throw error while try to read database schema. Content of this file should look similar to this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Please find this file in your JIRA HOME and make sure that this file is complete and is contain tag "<schema-name>".

    Unfortunately i'm not able to reproduce this bug. So i need fragment of logfile containing start jira and installing The Scheduler plugin. Could you restart Jira server and try to install scheduler? Then send us piece of logs showing this case. Could you write which database are you using?

  4. Damian Egli reporter

    Indeed, this helped. But it's weird - we run Jira for more than 3 years this way and never had any issue about the database connection ;-)

  5. Damian Egli reporter


    yes, after I added the scheme tag to my config file, I restarted Jira and then I could update your plugin. But as I said: your plugin is the only one of those we use, that couldn't handle the default scheme! Since years we had this config and everything worked perfect.

    Regards, Damian

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