Ability to have dynamic Due Dates on scheduled issues

Issue #66 closed
Former user created an issue

Hey I'm pretty sure this isn't possible at the moment so...

It would be great to have a Due Date field when creating a scheduled issue and be able to enter a period of time (eg. 1 day, 1 week) and have it pre fill the due date of an issue. So if I created a scheduled issue and said Due Date=1 day and it fired on 19/8/2015 that it would put the due date as 20/08/2015.

Comments (7)

  1. Alicia Miller Account Deactivated

    Hi, I created this before signing in. Can you please either assign me to it or let me know in the comments if anything comes of it. Thanks, Alicia

  2. jost

    Unfortunately I'm not able to assign issues to you.

    You can set Due Date Field for 3 ways:

    • fixed: here you can enter a specific value you want to enter the due date.
    • dynamic: that way add specified value to the current date. For example if you set "1d" in field, due date will be set on next day after the creation. Or in case "1w", it will be next week.
    • Next Fire Time: In this case due date will be set to date when the scheduler will be run this Scheduled Job again.



  3. Alicia Miller Account Deactivated

    Hi, Thanks for your quick response! I can't see this field when Scheduling an issue. Do you mean set this when creating the issue in Jira then convert it to a scheduled issue? Thanks, Alicia

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