The Scheduler not start

Issue #74 closed
Dirk Reimann created an issue

The scheduler does not start after installation. An update doesn't help. I put the error message below. THX for your support.

Greetings Dirk

Comments (7)

  1. Dirk Reimann reporter

    Hi Tomasz,

    I installed your last version 3.2.10, but the issue is the same.

    It was an update version from an older version, but I uninstalled the plug-in complete and installed it again, the failure still occurs.

    I send you the log-file afte4r a server reboot for forward investigations.

    Greeting Dirk

  2. Bartosz Gilewski

    Hello Dirk,

    Thank you for the JIRA logs. The problem might be related with the Oracle database.

    Logs indicates that plugin have tried to remove constraint "U_AO_A406ED_SCHEDUL1453239299" from the column "NAME" of the table "AO_A406ED_SCHEDULED_ISSUE", but that constraint didn't exist. It is possible that there is index with the same name on the same table, that for some reason wasn't removed during the update of the plugin. Now, when that index exists, plugin tries to remove constraint with that name, but he doesn't find it and throws exception.

    Could you check if your database contains that index by performing database query:

    SELECT * from all_indexes WHERE index_name = 'U_AO_A406ED_SCHEDUL1453239299' AND table_name = 'AO_A406ED_SCHEDULED_ISSUE';

    If the query will return data, please stop the JIRA and remove index from database by performing database query:

    DROP index U_AO_A406ED_SCHEDUL1453239299;

    When the index with that name will be removed, please start JIRA and let us know if this solution will fix your problem.


  3. Dirk Reimann reporter

    Hello Bartosz,

    thanks for your support. You can close the issue, your solution help us to fix the issue.

    Thanx for that.

    Greetings Dirk

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