Plugin fails when restarting JIRA

Issue #78 closed
Douglas Ribeiro Fidelis created an issue


I have one client that uses the scheduler plugin and they are getting errors everytime they have to restart jira.

When starting jira/plugins, somehow it removes one contraint of the scheduler table and the next time it has to start the plugin tries to do the same, but the constraint doesnt exist anymore and crashes the plugin.

So the workaround is stop jira, insert the constraint and restart jira. We have done it a couple times, but since this is happening again we need a permanent solution.

Can you help us on it?

Please let me know what info do you need?

JIRA 6.4.8 The Scheduler 3.2.7

See attached some logs from jira (jira log and dump thrown at the scheduler statistics page).


Comments (8)

  1. Bartosz Gilewski


    The problem might be caused by the index with the same name as constraint indicated in the logs. The constraint comes from the earlier versions of the plugin.

    For some reason, the index was not removed together with the constraint from database during plugin initialization. When the index exist, plugin will try to remove the constraint. If the constraint doesn't exist, the exception will be thrown and plugin will not be initialized properly.

    Could you check if your database contains that index by performing database query:

    SELECT * from all_indexes WHERE index_name = 'U_AO_A406ED_SCHEDUL1453239299' AND table_name = 'AO_A406ED_SCHEDULED_ISSUE';

    If the query will return data, please stop the JIRA and remove index from database by performing database query:

    DROP index U_AO_A406ED_SCHEDUL1453239299;

    When both constraint and index will be deleted, please start JIRA and check if the plugin will work properly.


  2. Douglas Ribeiro Fidelis reporter

    I will give this info to my client and ask them to try, once they apply it I will let you know the results.

    Thank you very much!

  3. Douglas Ribeiro Fidelis reporter

    Hi Jacek!

    My client has applied that on a test environment and it worked! Im not sure if it is already in production, but Im sure that it will work there as well.

    Thank you!

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