Cannot find Scheduler Manager

Issue #80 closed
Former user created an issue


I'm currently testing Scheduler but after creating a few scheduled issues i am unable to edit or delete them, the documentation refers to a "Schedule Manager" but i can't find it anywhere. The add-on listing does not have a "manage" button neither is Scheduler listed in my "Managed Add-on's" Section. I am a JIRA admin.

Thank you

Comments (5)

  1. Bartosz Gilewski


    We have updated documentation page on Bitbucket and added some additional info about the plugin. You should be able to edit or delete created Scheduled Issues from Scheduled Issues table located in the Project page:

    The Scheduler Access Manager grants rights to create and manage Scheduled Issues.

    Additionaly, JIRA Administrators can manage all Scheduled Issues in the system from the Manage Scheduled Issues page:

    Let us know if you need any additional information.


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