As an admin or creator of shared tickets I want to bee able to see is an issue is shared in the Scheduled issues list

Issue #83 closed
HelmichD created an issue

As an admin or creator of shared tickets I want to bee able to see is an issue is shared in the Scheduled issues list. Same as State - Enabled/Disabled

Comments (5)

  1. Bartosz Gilewski


    Thank you for the suggestion. We will consider adding new column in the Scheduled Issues table informing about the sharing option. I will inform you when will we include that option in The Scheduler.


  2. Tomasz Witkowski

    Hi @HelmichDouma

    We just released new version of The Scheduler. You can now select newly added column "Srared with" on Scheduled Issues list to show all users/groups that Scheduled Issue is shared with.

    Best regards.

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