Scheduled task not working

Issue #94 closed
Former user created an issue


from the last JIRA 7.0.0 update (JIRA Software), my scheduled tasks are not working. And if I click in the FIRE button, it does not respond. I attach you different files. 1. The Scheduler Version screenshot. 2. JIRA version screenshot. 3. atlassian jira log. 4. FIRE button locked.

I need a fast resolution because all the scheduled task are not working.

Comments (8)

  1. jost


    Thank you for report this issue. We will analyze the problem and we'll give you know about the possible solutions.


    Jacek Ostrowski

  2. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    Today we found a bug in The Scheduler Plugin. It occurs if Due date in Scheduled Job is set to "Next Fire Time". Please check this configuration and change it to another value (all other value works well). I will fix this feature as quick as is possible. I will keep you updated.


    Jacek Ostrowski

  3. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    We released the new version of the Scheduler Plugin. This version contains solution for your problem. Please let us know whether this version solved this issue.

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