While using parameter in the MDX , title did not update but data did.

Issue #118 resolved
lance.wang created an issue

step 1, Scenario to select “FCST W32” , the result is correct.

step 2, Scenario change to “FCST W33”, Quarter change to “Q3”, after refresh the title did not update but data did

Dimensions setting are as below

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    If the data is updating then it looks more like a display issue. But it will confuse users for sure.

    @tomer ganz this could be related to the other issue we have where setting service variable driving MDX row elements gets updated but title drive by same variable does not.

  2. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    @tomer ganz

    This is not resolved.
    Just tested in release and this issue is still present. If “filterbarEnabled”:false then the title text doesn’t update to current setting service value.

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