App Maintenance/Security assignment since upgrading to 2.5.2

Issue #119 resolved
Mhaynes created an issue

Upgraded from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2. After doing an offline upgrade, and running process }APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade, errors noted regarding “Caption with Tooltip”. Running maintenance chore results in error too, and security does not seem to update in }APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade cube. Both error logs attached.

Application remains functional.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Max,

    It looks like due to offline upgrade you are in a “chicken & egg loop” or “teufelskreis”. I think you are getting the issue of generic TI failure when there is a rule somewhere in the system with a compile error which causes all TI to fail. Our upgrade instructions for offline should have been clearer.

    1. First add ONLY server.upgrade and server.maintenance processes to data dir. Restart and run upgrade process.
    2. Stop server add rest of objects from offline package. Restart server

    I am pretty sure the issue is that the rules in }ElementAttributes_}Cubes, }ElementAttributes_}Dimensions, }ElementAttributes_}Groups reference attributes that the upgrade process should create. But becaus eof the rule compile error the process is now unable to run sucessfully.

    The solution should be to comment out the rules in the 3 cubes named above. Then run the upgrade process, and then restore the rules.

    Please let me know if this solves the issue.

  2. Mhaynes reporter

    Hi Scott

    No I’m afraid that it did not work. Just for clarity, these are the steps that I followed:

    1. comment out the rules in the 3 cubes named above
      • }ElementAttributes_}Cubes, }ElementAttributes_}Dimensions, }ElementAttributes_}Groups
    2. run the upgrade process
      • Minor error:
      • Error: Epilog procedure line (881): Errors occurred during execution of process "}APQ.UX.Server.Maintenance". Check error log file for that process for more details
    3. restore the rules

    Thereafter running the Maintenance process, I get the below error: Error: Prolog procedure line (771): Could not create dynamic subset: {Filter({[}Clients].Members},[}ClientGroups].([}Clients].CurrentMember,[}Groups].[CAMID("Curragh:g:466739d3849c61408cc465ca3334be2c")])="CAMID("Curragh:g:466739d3849c61408cc465ca3334be2c")")} expression: <2>

    I saw the email from Tomer regarding the upgrade process, but the instructions are still not as you described below? I think someone else could get into the same trouble as I have if they follow the same instructions.

    Regards Max

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Max,

    We had an issue with release note revisions conflicting. Should be fixed now as as described above.

    The issue is becasue MDX isn’t smart enough to differentiate between the quotes enclosing a string and quotes within a string. Change prolog line 767 to the following:

    sMDX = Expand('{Filter({[}Clients].Members},[}ClientGroups].([}Clients].CurrentMember,[}Groups].[%sEle%])=''%sEle%'')}');

    You will also need to make exactly the same change to prolog line 149 of }APQ.UX.Security.ClientGroups.Import.FromInstances

    sMDX = Expand('{Filter({[}Clients].Members},[}ClientGroups].([}Clients].CurrentMember,[%sDimSrc%].[%sEle%])=''%sEle%'')}');

    After you make these changes the maintenance process should complete without error.

    In our test cases (and I guess other customers) using CAM it is security mode 5 without any CAM groups so never encountered this issue before of a double quote within a group name.

    Out of interest do you need the CAM groups to be in the content store? Unless these groups are used for element security of the }APQ UX App dimension then there is absolutely no reason to import them to the CS and you would be safe to remove them.

  4. Mhaynes reporter

    Thanks Scott

    That worked!

    Yes, unfortunately I need to restrict some apps from certain users.

    Regards Max

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