KPI Trend - chart columns are not updating properly

Issue #125 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

The KPI Trend chart does not properly update when changing filters.

For example, I am using the following query on the columns:

[Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat].[Real Months].[$<<IDP_ZEUS.Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat.Real Months>>].Lag(12):[Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat].[Real Months].[$<<IDP_ZEUS.Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat.Real Months>>]

which results in the following MDX

SELECT {{TM1SubsetToSet( [Zeus_A_Customer_Journey].[Zeus_A_Customer_Journey], "Customer Journey")}*{TM1SubsetToSet( [Zeus_A_Version].[Zeus_A_Version], "Dashboard Version")}} ON ROWS, {[Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat].[Real Months].[2020-M03].Lag(12):[Zeus_A_Jahr_Monat].[Real Months].[2020-M03]} ON COLUMNS FROM [Zeus_A_Board_Service] WHERE …….

However, the month on the line chart does not update with the proper period, despite the fact that the MDX runs fine.

In the attached image you can see that my filter shows March 2020, but the line shows Jan 2020, which was the previous filter value.


Also, I’m getting the following console error. I suppose that this file is missing form the UX installer…..

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