Incorrect navigation with back/next buttons in wizard

Issue #144 closed
Scott Wiltshire created an issue

Describe the bug
When using Back/Next buttons to navigate in the wizard between substeps/steps the last active substep of the step being navigated to is activated and not the first (or last) substep (depending on the direction of navigation).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In a wizard navigation to s step which has multiple substeps
  2. With the first sub-step active navigate to the next step (not substep) by clicking on the step bar
  3. Now click on the “< Back” button
  4. You should be navigated to the last substep of the previous step. But you will be taken to the first substep as this was the last active substep of the step

Expected behavior

  • When navigating with “< Back” button from the first substep you should always be taken to the last substep of the previous step
  • When navigating with “Next >” button from the last substep to the next step you should always be taken to the first substep



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