Handling Large Dimension (>10k elements) - Lazy Loading

Issue #160 resolved
Tat Seng Wong created an issue

We have a requirement to handle large dimension on UX, talking about over 10k elements to show on the View.

At the moment we have built a paging functionality to make the view faster to load, without paging it loads ranging from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, now we have a huge complain from customer that the paging function is totally not acceptable, they are expecting UX can perform something similar to modern-day user experience where we can scroll to end and then load, and also need to pre-load some data even user is not doing any scrolling. ( Feature of Lazy Loading)

No rules behind, purely loading the data from the cube.

Therefore this become a blocker priority right now for our project, so appreciate if you can try make this feature out sooner.

Thanks for your help

Comments (5)

  1. Tat Seng Wong reporter

    Appreciate knowing any progress of this, this is quite an important feature for us….

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