Stacked dimension axis label on graphs

Issue #187 new
Wei Wang created an issue

Currently, if we have stacked dimensions with a chart, the label shown is with the format: “dim 1 Element, dim 2 Element”. There are many situations where this results in a redundant or wordy label so it would be helpful to have a toggle to only show the element name from one of the two stacked dimensions. In the example below, we may only want to show the Year element.

Comments (2)

  1. Wei Wang

    Resurfacing this super old one issue but a quick win could be to have a Global parameter drive the delimiter character used between the element names (instead of being hardcoded to a comma). For example, something similar to the 'THOUSANDS_SEP' parameter in default.constant.js.

    If we have this parameter, we could configure it to be nbsp; or <br> and configure one of the stacked dims to use an attribute that has blank values. This would create the effect of only showing one element of the two elements in the label

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