Grid freezes if picklist is empty

Issue #2 closed
tomer ganz created an issue

If a input cell has a picklist associated with it and the picklist evaluates as EMPTY this causes the UX to freeze. When the user selects the cell that has the empty picklist the view or grid widget becomes unresponsive and the only way to recover is via full F5 browser refresh. What should happen is if the picklist is empty then the cell should be treated as a standard input cell as if there is no picklist at all. This is the behaviour in all native TM1 interfaces.

Comments (4)

  1. Maurycy Mioduski

    Cool stuff!

    Kind regards | Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

    Maurycy Mioduski Practice Manager


    Cubewise Switzerland IBM Platinum Business Partner Level 4, Witikonerstrasse 15, Zurich 8032, Switzerland m. +41 79 103 0019 | f. +41 44 552 0583

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