Virtual hierarchies and inability to expand rows

Issue #213 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

This issue is related to getting dynamic rows working across different virtual hierarchies. For example, there are many situations where we want the rows to be dynamic based on different virtual hierarchies. We may try something similar to the screenshot below where the “Hierarchy” dropdown doesn’t match the hierarchy that the MDX returns.

This returns the rows as expected but we are unable to expand the C-level elements.

In fact, even if remove the $<<>> variable, we run into the same issue with the rows not expanding. It appears to be related to situations where the “Hierarchy” dropdown selected is not the same as the virtual hierarchy specified in the MDX. It would be great if there is a way to dynamically select the virtual hierarchy we want to use instead of fixing to what is selected in the “Hierarchy” dropdown.

Comments (3)

  1. Wei Wang reporter

    This has been resolved w/ the new functionality in 2021.10 to use $<<…>> for the selected “Hierarchy” in Cube Settings

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