Sync to ContentStore removes Admin user from Admin Group in the contentStore

Issue #243 resolved
Adam Davis created an issue

If the Admin Security Group and the ContentStoreImport is not checked Admin will loss its Admin privileges in the contentStore.

To reproduce:

  1. Click on the Sync to ContentStore on Application Setup> Metadata Sync > Users & Groups.
  2. In the popup select Clear Security to Yes
  3. Run process.


Admin is no longer admin in the contentStore.

Expected Behaviour:

Admin should never loss Admin privileges in the model. Either the clear process should be more refined to exclude ADMIN Group. The Instance GroupStoreImport should always be true for the Admin Group.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    This sounds very weird and funky! I will check it out.

    Might be a bug in the TM1 version because AFAIK it simply shouldn't be possible to remove Admin user from the ADMIN group. Even if the }ClientGroups cube is cleared it should make no difference at all.

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Well knock me over with a feather. Admin really is cleared!

    I’m guessing this must be becasue there’s a CubeClearData of }ClientGroups and then to import we cycle all instances but not contentStore and for the Admin user “ContentStoreImport” is blocked so Admin user is skipped in other instances (which would put the adssignment back). I woudl be interested if it is just that the cell is empty in }ClientGroups versus if Admin really does lose ADMIN privelages (again, I wouldn’t have thought this was possible! … it certainly shouldn’t be).

    In any case I have put in a fix so that this can’t happen. Will be incluuded with 2021.02 FP1.

  3. Adam Davis reporter

    Yes ADMIN really does lose Admin privileges. I was log into Perspectives as ADMIN and could not go into security after the update.

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