Add a Save button in the App Management

Issue #257 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

To enhance the functionality of UX and to speed up the development it would be very useful to have a Save button on the 3 dots menu in App Management.

This comes in handy when working with large views or dashboards and we want to save the report without the need to preview the changes in the view itself.

For example: At Eurofins we have to create pixel perfect reports on a very slow environment. Every change we make has to be tested with edit mode turned off, in order to hide all toolbars and widget headers.

When toggling Edit mode, the report takes between 30-60 seconds to reload, so it would be very helpful to be able to directly save the changes without the need to preview the report in edit mode.

When changing the size of the widget it takes a lot of time. Here is an example from Eurofins:

  1. Turn on edit mode
  2. Wait for refresh. At Eurofins this takes 30-60 sec, depending on the report or dashboard
  3. Open settings menu on the first widget
  4. Update settings and close widget
  5. Wait for another refresh of 30-60 sec.
  6. Open settings menu of second widget
  7. Update settings and wait for refresh.
  8. Wait another 30-60 sec
  9. Repeat for all widgets…. If we have 4 or 5, we already spent 5 min just waiting for the refresh to happen
  10. Save the report
  11. Close edit mode and wait for refresh. Another 30-60 sec.
  12. Finally verify if the widget sizes are correct.
  13. If not, all steps have to be repeated.

By having a Save button on the app management, a lot of time can be saved.

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