Normal User cannot get the TI ItemReject Error Msg, ONLY Admin user can get the error msg

Issue #279 on hold
Lingo Wang created an issue

In UX TI Widget, normal user cannot get the Error msg from “ItemReject” function. only Admin user can get the error msg. I have replicated this issue in UX Demo instance. Note: admin user = admin group in Underlying TM1 Instance (not the contentStore instance), where the TI is located.

as below: I modify the “UX_Demo_New_Product” TI process from the UX Demo instance, then using Std. “Embedded TI in Widget” sample from the UX installation, and create a new user, assign to “APQ User” group, then grant “READ” access to APQ User group for this TI.

Then using “New User” and “Admin” run the same TI from UX widget, getting two different error msg, as below:

Comments (3)

  1. Ada Trajer

    This is the default behavior of TM1, but we will add this our list of future improvements and try to find a solution.

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