Apliqo UX Cross Drill Error

Issue #280 resolved
Ali Ugur Gures created an issue


We found out a bug while using cross drill speciality on the vidget. (It is also in demo Apliqo UX 2021.02.03 version.)

While trying to cross drill from Cost Center to Employees, it works fine at first.

But after, collapsing all the employees and then start to expand one by one, alternative hierarchy does not show the hierarchy correct.

Also, this bug in the Demo version of Apliqo UX. I try to explain it at the word documentation.

Kind Regards


Comments (4)

  1. Ali Ugur Gures reporter

    Hi Ada,

    Is this a bug? Also, Is there a time plan for this when can be fixed? (just approximately)

    We just want to give updated information to customer.

    Kind Regards,


  2. Ada Trajer

    Hi Ali, Yes, this is a bug but it was recently fixed and the fix will be included in the June release.

    Regards, Ada

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