Advanced Settings - subnm/SubsetToSet missing quotes

Issue #303 resolved
CP CW created an issue

Describe the bug
When configuring a subset as source for subnm, the subset is not enclosed to quotes, therefore the syntax in invalid.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Process Widget - Process Config/Process Parameters

2. Open Subset Editor, choose an existing subset and hit Apply

3. In Advanced Options the generated code has the subset name but without quotes, therefore the syntax is wrong.

  "pStartYear": {
    "type": "subnm",
    "value": "",
    "dimension": "NS Fiscal Year",
    "tm1Mdx": "{TM1SubsetToSet([NS Fiscal Year].[NS Fiscal Year],All N Elements)}",
    "tm1DefaultValue": "",
    "tm1Attribute": ""

4. After adding the quotes, the page is loaded correctly.

  "pStartYear": {
    "type": "subnm",
    "value": "",
    "dimension": "NS Fiscal Year",
    "tm1Mdx": "{TM1SubsetToSet([NS Fiscal Year].[NS Fiscal Year],'All N Elements')}",
    "tm1DefaultValue": "",
    "tm1Attribute": ""

Process widget

UX: 2021.07

PA: 2.0.6

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Chrome

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