Working with Percentages on Charts

Issue #310 resolved
Ulas created an issue

Currently, we cannot adjust the formatting easily for percentage values.

The workaround is to multiply the number by 100 in TM1 and show them as non-percentage values. Then tweak the settings to make it look like a percentage in UX. I am still not sure how to add % in the tooltips.

Would be great to use the advanced formatting functions from Highcharts to deal with such formatting issues.

    "plotOptions": {
      "series": {
        "borderRadius": 3,
        "dataLabels": {
          "format": "{y:,.2f}%",
          "enabled": true
    "yAxis": [
        "min": 65,
        "labels": {
          "enabled": true,
          "format": "{value}%"
        "title": {
          "text": ""

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